News & Blog

Novena in honour of St. Jude

Novena in honour of St. Jude, patron of hopeless cases, starts on Tuesday 20 October in the parish of St Jude and St John Oglivie, Barlanark, and concludes on his feast day Wednesday 28 October. See for more details or contact Fr Cameron on 0141 774...

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Ministry Meetings

We wish to remind all Pass Keepers, Church Cleaners, Eucharistic Ministers and Readers of the Word, about the ministry meeting to be held in the Eymard Section of Our Lady’s Chapel in the Church, on Wednesday next, October 21st, at 7pm, a full attendance of all involved in these ministries would be very much...

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Twenty Eight Sunday – 11 October 2009

Gospel: March 10: 17-30 Year B A man knelt down before Jesus …. This gesture is noteworthy, because it is only found twice in the Gospel. Certainly You never sought exterior signs of respect, Lord. Nevertheless, You can accept them in all simplicity …. just as You will say nothing when the soldiers will fall on their knees before You, in mockery, during Your passion. It is however, a gesture of adoration which You are entitled to expect: before Me, every knee shall bow! (Is. 45:23). The Apostle Paul recalls it: At the name of Jesus every knee bows! (Phil. 2.10). Without doubt, You came to raise us, to lift us up, by freeing us from the weight of our sins, but kneeling before You is not a sign of enslavement. It is a free gesture which expresses our...

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Twenty Seventh Sunday – 4 October 2009

Gospel : Mark 10 : 2 – 16 Year B Some Pharisees approached Jesus and, to test Him, asked Him : is it against the Law for a man to divorce his wife? How this page of the Gospel is true to life! As soon as God is pushed aside, and people take the place of God, the beautiful plan of the Creator is quickly forgotten. From then on it is personal interest and egoism of the individual that take over. Now, as in Your time, Lord Jesus, the question of divorce and of children arises, but people hardly ever wonder what God thinks. Come and enlighten us, Lord! Is it against the Law for a man to divorce his wife? You return us to the plan of the Creator: We were made in the image of God, of...

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Bishop’s Statement on Lisbon Treaty

Statement of the Standing Committee of the Irish Bishops’ Conference on the occasion of the second referendum on the Lisbon Treaty “Values Matter” The Lisbon Treaty is of the greatest importance, not only for us here in Ireland but also for the future shape of the European project. Although the situation has changed since the June 2008 referendum with the addition of legal assurances to respond to the worries expressed at that time, our 2008 pastoral reflection, Fostering a Community of Values, remains relevant (see In it we highlighted the distinctive roles of politics and religion. While we do not seek to align ourselves with either side of the referendum debate, we wish to make it clear that a Catholic can, in good conscience, vote YES or NO. We urge all Christians to consider carefully the contents of...

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Day of Prayer for Ministers of the Eucharist

The North City Centre Deanery is organising a Day of Prayer and Reflection for serving and new Ministers of the Eucharist. It will take place on Saturday, 3rd October 2009, in St. Mary’s Pro-Cathedral. The day will begin with Mass at 10.00 a.m. and will finish at 4.00 p.m. Monsignor Alex Stenson will facilitate the gathering. The purpose of the day is to allow Ministers to reflect on their ministry and to propose best practice regarding its exercise. The cost will be borne by the parishes of the Deanery and lunch will be provided. Please contact Deanery Secretary, Ms. Mary Irwin at 8745441 or e-mail with numbers from each parish before Wednesday 30th...

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Twenty Sixth Sunday – 27 September 2009

Gospel : Mark 9 : 38 – 48 Year B John, one of the twelve, said to Jesus …. John is the one who will best understand Your message of love, but for the moment, he is still a prisoner of his human impulses. His spirit remains narrow, intolerant …. even if it is motivated by love of You …It is a love poorly understood! We have seen someone casting out evil spirits in Your name … This is something good … which invites us to joy, to thanksgiving. But that is not John’s idea: we wanted to stop him. And the motive for this is clear; he is not one of our followers! He is not in our ‘Group’ ….. I can’t throw stones at him. Do I not sometimes have the same mentality? Is there not deep...

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Oberammergau 2010

The Blessed Sacrament Chapel, and MAP Travel invite you to come on a unique experience of the famous Passion Play at Oberammergau. This will be on September 15-22, 2009. Other places to visit are Lake Garda, Verona and Vinice. The cost of this trip is 1,599 Euros (per person sharing) plus taxes and insurance. For further details and booking forms available at Mass Office, Blessed Sacrament Chapel, Dublin 1. Telephone number...

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Twenty Fifth Sunday – 20 September 2009

Gospel : Mark 9 : 30 – 37 Year B Jesus was instructing His disciples …. You take time to instruct Your disciples, Lord. Their response to your call has not transformed them instantaneously. Their education will be long-term … It is only with the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost that they will eventually understand that You are not the human Messiah they were expecting. You continue to instruct us, also, by Your Word, especially at each celebration of the Eucharist. The patience that You had with the Apostles, You also have with us, because ….how we resemble them! They did not understand what He said and were afraid to ask …. They remained stuck with their personal ideas of a human Messiah …. of earthly happiness ….. The subject You were tackling did not interest them....

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Books on St. Peter Julian are available online. Please visit our Book Shop.

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