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Gospel : Mark 10 : 2 – 16
Year B

Some Pharisees approached Jesus and, to test Him, asked Him : is it against the Law for a man to divorce his wife?

How this page of the Gospel is true to life! As soon as God is pushed aside, and people take the place of God, the beautiful plan of the Creator is quickly forgotten. From then on it is personal interest and egoism of the individual that take over. Now, as in Your time, Lord Jesus, the question of divorce and of children arises, but people hardly ever wonder what God thinks. Come and enlighten us, Lord!

Is it against the Law for a man to divorce his wife?
You return us to the plan of the Creator: We were made in the image of God, of a God Who is ONE in three persons. Therefore what God has put together, let no man take asunder! God is Love: May married people therefore love one another, concerned for the well-being of each other! You give us an example of this, Lord Jesus. You love us so much that You have espoused our humanity. You sacrificed Yourself for humanity, for each one of us. Your apostle Paul already recalled this, and could write : husbands, love your wives like Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for her (Eph. 5:25). Through the Sacrament of marriage, You come to live with married couples, to help them to no longer be two, but to make themselves one in love. Open the hearts of married couples, Lord, to You love project!

Let the little children come to me! Do not stop them!
Children were of little value un Your time. Is it any better to-day? We can ask ourselves the question, recalling how belittled they are when the Creator’s plan is forgotten:
Children killed in their mother’s womb …
Abandoned children … unloved, lingering in ghettoes … child soldiers compelled to do battle….
Have pity on our world which wants to do without You, Lord! Open our hearts to Your love!

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