Gospel : Mark 8 : 27 – 35
Year B
Who do people say that I am? …..
For 2000 years, this question is asked. Answers have come, numerous, varied ….. But these answers, even the best of them, are still fall short of the truth. You surpass us to such an extent, Lord! The heavens are as high above the earth as My thoughts are above your thoughts (Is.55:9). Nevertheless, You want us to progress in knowledge of Your Mystery, and You continue to call us personally:
But you, Who do you say that I am?
Peter’s answer is good…. many have subscribed to it. But what was underlining these words?Peter dreams of a Messiah in line with the ideas of his times, a Messiah Who will come to restore the kingdom of Israel, a Messiah Who will answer our human, earthly aspirations, a Messiah Who will rid us of suffering…..This is not Your point of view, Lord. You try to explain to us : The Son of man must suffer …. be rejected … killed…. rise again ….
Now they can’t follow You any more! Peter tells You frankly …..
And how many baptised people think the same way, and prefer not to hear! Me too, sometimes, I am tempted to say that You exaggerate! Let me welcome Your answer, even if I find it difficult to understand.
Get behind me!
Your thoughts are not those of God, but of humans.
Yes, Lord Jesus, You know better than I do what Your mission is about. You came to lead us into the Kingdom of God. I have no advice for You. Keep me behind You, walking after You, with love, in a humble and confident faith ….
If the ascent is rough at present, I know that You are there! Thank You, Lord.