Gospel: Luke 17: 11-19
Year C
Jesus was crossing Samaria and Galilee
You go up to Jerusalem, You go towards death and resurrection…. to bring the whole world with You into the Father’s house. Samaria and Galilee which You cross are the image of the world. Samaritans are the foreigners; in Galilee, Jews and pagans are mingled. You have come to free us all from leprosy of sin and offer divine life to everyone.
Jesus, Master, have pity on us!
The lepers express their distress; they don’t ask for either healing, nor alms …. They put their trust in You, Lord…. In this alone they are already a model of prayer. In my hardships, in my difficulties, do I know how to look to You? Do I know how to submit myself to You… completely?
Go and show yourselves to the priests.
They obey You and they go, filled with hope, because the priests were responsible for confirming the cure of lepers and for re-integrating them into society. Their faith is rewarded: on their way, they were cleansed.
However, only one returned praising God at the top of his voice … and thanking You. Recognition is not common currency! You note with sadness: Were there not ten cured? Where are the other nine? We are often beggars, centred on ourselves in our prayers; We come to You when things are going wrong…. then we forget when things are going well again! Heal us entirely, Lord, like the Samaritan leper.
Stand up and go on your way. Your faith has saved you!
The Samaritan recovered his physical health like the other lepers; above all he found the God Who saves (that;s Your namee, Jesus!). His recognition, a new knowledge of You.
Through Your Eucharist, Lord Jesus, let us share the same sentiments. Make us recognise Your Presence, Your work of salvation which continues unceasingly.