Gospel: Mark 5: 21-43
Year B

A large crowd gathered round Him….
For You, Lord, the crowd is not an anonymous multitude. You call each by his name (Jn. 10:3). You know how to listen, to be attentive, to remain available to all individually. You want to say to each one: I came so that you may have life and have it in abundance (Jn. 10:10). The crowd gathers round You because, perhaps, unwittingly, they have found in you the true source of life.

It’s the case with Jairus: Come lay Your hands on her so that she will live!
It’s the case with the sick woman: If I can even touch Him, I will be saved.
You respond to their desire. You go to help them grow in faith: The incurable woman approaches You despite the prohibition of the Law. In touching Your clothing, it is the source of life that she has contacted. Immediately she is healed. In turning towards her, You want to make her develop in her faith. While she hoped for bodily healing, she seeks in You Salvation, fullness of Life, that which lasts forever. You encourage Jairus in his difficulty: Fear not, only believe! You take the child’s lifeless hand: Arise! It is a Resurrection word …. and the source of life flows again in her: the young girl started walking around.

He told them to give her something to eat.
You keep your feet on the ground, Lord! The parents, overwhelmed, didn’t think that their daughter might perhaps be hungry! You speak to us also inviting us to Your Eucharist: Take all of you and eat: this is My Body given for you! Whoever eats will live! Draw all people to You, Lord, Source of life!

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