Gospel: Luke 24: 35-48
26 April 2009

The disciples told about what had happened on the road.
They have just experienced an extraordinary event. They want to share this joy with their companions. They tell how they recognised him at the breaking of Bread. This challenges me. and where am I in this? I meet You, lord, at every Mass. There, You enlighten me through your Word, You share Your Bread with me. Does my life after that tell to others about this meeting with You? Come, reinflame my heart, Lord, and increase my faith!

Jesus was there in their midst….
They were overjoyed on knowing that You were risen. Suddenly here they are stricken with shock and fear when You show Yourself to them. It is difficult for them to grasp the marvelous reality. With love and patience, You reassure them, You enlighten them: It is not a ghost, it is really You Who are there before them. You make them see, touch, Your hands, Your feet wounded by nails; You eat with them like heretofore.

Then He opened their minds to understand the Scriptures.
You explain to them what is written about You in the Law, the Prophets, the Psalms. You continue to do it for us at Mass. You want to make us understand the deep meaning of all the Word of God. open our heart and our Spirit, Lord, so that throughout the Scriptures, including that much ignored “Old Testament”, we may be able to know You better. Give us a taste for Your Word, just like Jeremiah: When Your words came I devoured them: Your Word is my delight and the joy of my heart (Jer. 15:16).

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