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The Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament celebrates today the feast of its founder St. Peter Julian Eymard. He founded the congregation in 1856 in France. He died in his home town of La Mure on 1st August 1868. Pope John XXIII canonised him on December 9, 1962. During his canonisation, the Pope described St. Eymard as the “Apostle of the Eucharist.”

The Blessed Sacrament communities all throughout the world have organised various activities to mark this day of its founder. Among its activities is the nine-day novena to Saint Eymard.

In Dublin Ireland, the Blessed Sacrament community invited Fr. Theo Hebing, SSS to lead the novena that started last 24th of July. On this feast day of Saint Eymard, a concelebrated Mass is scheduled at 11.00 am today at the Blessed Sacrament Chapel in Dublin. Fr. Jim Campbell, SSS, local superior, is the presider. Fr. Theo Hebing is the preacher.

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