Feast Of Christ The King

Gospel : Luke 23 : 35 – 43
Year C

Above Him there was an inscription…..
It was in Hebrew, in Greek and in Latin. Everybody must be able to read and know who it is that is condemned to death! It attracted the attention of numerous pilgrims who had come to Jerusalem for the Passover…. It continues to attract the attention of people of all times, of all places.

This is the King of the Jews!
This Crucified One is not a criminal like the others. You are King, Lord Jesus! If the inscription is a mockery on the part of Pilate, it proclaims in reality, the summit of the love of God. The cross is the throne where You have freely ascended: There is no greater love than to give your life for your friends. What is people’s response? What welcome is there for Your royalty?

The leaders jeered Him…. the soldiers mocked Him too…
It’s always the same thing. Nobody wants a king without human prestige, without an army, a king who makes himself a servant… Those who have the power and authority do not want You because You upset them.

The people stayed there watching Him ….
The crowds of to-day are there also watching. Continue, Lord, to fulfil Your promise : when I will be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all people to Myself (Jn.12:32)

Jesus, remember me …
The first to proclaim Your royalty is condemned to death, like You. But He, “he deserves it”, he recognises. His profession of faith opens for him the entry to Your Kingdom: To-day, you will be with Me in Paradise! Grant us, Lord, the trust of this man ….. let us live to-day, every day, in Your love.

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