Gospel: Mark 6:30-34
Year B

The Apostles reported to Jesus all that they had done and taught …
One can imagine their joy on returning from their first mission. You share this joy in listening to them, in perhaps asking them questions. Is this not what You want from us on Sunday? How can we return to You after an often hectic week? Yes, Lord, give us the simplicity of Your Apostles to come to Mass with all that we have done to bring You all that has happened to us: joys, sorrows, successes and failures, to offer You all this … then to rest a moment near You, because You also say to us:

Come away to some lonely place and rest a while!
In the reality of our world where silence can no longer find a little space …. You offer us a time of rest and calm to celebrate the Eucharist. You give us the joy of gathering with brothers to praise You, far from all too frequent pressures of daily life.

Let us rediscover the sense of Sunday rest, Lord. It has taken on for Christians the spirit of Sabbath rest which you knew: for six days you will work, but the seventh day is a day of rest for the Lord Your God (Ex. 20:9-10).

On arrival, Jesus saw a large crowd ….
What deception for You and Your Apostles: the lonely place is invaded by people from all over the place. What will You do? You do not think of Yourself, of Your tiredness … you remain available. The call of this crowd is more important that Your rest: You are seized with pity! You have come to look for the lost sheep, to gather them into the sheepfold of the Father … So You only listen to Your heart: You teach them at some length.

And this is what You do for us at each Mass. Thank you, Lord … and let us share Your attitude. Make us attentive to the needs of our neighbor.

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