
Gospel : Luke 11 : 1 – 13
Year C

One day, Jesus was praying….
The Apostles were struck by Your prayers, Lord Jesus …. Silent prayer, prolonged, in the solitude of the night, or the mountain…. They have anticipated the mystery of Your prayer, a prayer which did not involve repetition of formulae learned by heart… and they also want to penetrate it….

Lord, teach us to pray ….
Yes, I make my own the request of the disciple. Teach me to enter into Your prayer. To this end, I don’t have to transport myself back through 20 centuries. The Mystery of the Eucharist allows me to rejoin You. You are there, always with us, continuing Your prayer unceasingly, a prayer of praise, thanksgiving, intercession. There, You invite me to enter into Your prayer … Thank You, Lord!

When you pray, say : Father ..
This word says everything! It is the expression of the heart …. The Holy Spirit Which You promised us, comes to help us in our weakness, The Holy Spirit makes us sons; through Him, we can say, we also can say this simple word : Abba! Father! Dad! (Rom.8).

Father, may Your name be held holy ….
You draw us towards what is essential : May Your Father, our Father, be known, loved by all His children on earth! A loving heart does not think of itself … Your filial heart does not dream of anything but the glory of the Father. But the glory of the Father, is the “sanctification” of His children. His Name is held holy when we live fully in His love. His Kingdom comes when we welcome and share His divine life. Father, may Your Kingdom come!

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