
SECOND SUNDAY YEAR B 18 January 2008
Gospel: John 1: 35-42

Jesus passed by ….

You have just left Nazareth. Nobody has yet heard tell of You. You can “pass by”. No one puts any heed in You. John the Baptist will say to his contemporaries: there is among you One Whom you do not know (Jn. 1:26). Allowing himsel to be enlightened by the Spirit, he will know how to recognize You and point out Him in relation to Whom his mission is “to prepare for His coming” (Lk. 1:76).

Staring hard at Jesus …

John sees beyond human apearances. Through faith, he identifies in You the mystery of God and uncovers it for others … you continue to pass by in our lives Lord …. Grant us the insight of John to recognise You and welcome You … Grant us his love to help others to recognise You.

There is the Lamb of God …

With these words, John identifies You as the Saviour promised to the world. He sees in You the true Paschal Lamb announced at the exodus from Egypt:

– Your Blood will free from sin and death;

– Your Body will be nourishment for the journey towards the true Promised Land …

John sees also in You the suffering Servant announced by Isaiah, the Lamb led to the slaughter (Is. 53:7) for the salvation of the world.

Where do you live? …

The two disciples of John understood and folowed You. They stay with You that day and see where you live. What exactly were they thinking about in asking this question? Have they anticipated Your mystery, the true place where You lived? Your abode, is the Father: I am in the Father (Jn.14:10) …. You came on earth to seek us and lead us to Him. To us also You say: Come and see! …Abide in Me! (Jn. 15.4). And You ask the Father: where I am, may they be also with me! (Jn. 17.24). May You be blessed, Lord! Let us abide with You!

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