Gospel: Mark 9: 2-10

Jesus took them up a high mountain where they could be alone by themselves….
On the mountain, You are at home, Lord. There, You recapture the intimacy with Your Father. The Gospel notes that, often, You withdraw to the mountains to pray. It is there that You want to bring us in accordance with the words of Isaiah: I will bring them to my holy mountain; I will make them rejoice in my house of prayer… (Is.56:7). This ascent with three of Your disciples is the symbol of Your mission on earth. You came to draw all humanity with You and lead us to the Father. The Prophet Micah announced already several centuries earlier: numerous nations will come there and will say: Come let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob. (Micah. 4:2). But the Guide was missing for this ascent. Nevertheless, You are there, with us, always until the end of time. Grant us, Lord, the desire to follow You on this mountain, to live with You as children of God.

He was transfigured before them…
On the mountain, You allow Who You really are to be revealed a little. Divine splendour emanates from You: A whiteness that no earthly bleacher could achieve. It is with this beauty that You wish to clothe us, and make us share Your divinity through Baptism and divine grace….

This is My Son, the Beloved. Listen to Him!
This is the essential message received on the mountain. It is a call to follow You in faith. On the mountain, the three disciples receive this message in joy. But they must remember it afterwards in the monotony of ordinary days and especially when they see You disfigured by suffering….
You wish to make them understand this is announcing Your resurrection from the dead.

In brightness or darkness, let us listen to You, Jesus, and follow You.

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