0639mission 2008

The Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) through its National Director in Ireland, Fr. Ed Grimes, CSSp, acknowledges the support of the Blessed Sacrament Chapel for its contribution to the 2008 Mission Sunday collection. The Chapel gave to the PMS the total amount of 1,275 Euros which was collected in all the Maases during the Mission Sunday celebration last October 19.

In his letter to the superior of the Blessed Sacrament Chapel Fr. Jim Campbell, Fr. Grimes said “on behalf of our brothers and sisters who will benefit in missionary territories, I thank the parishioners of Blessed Sacrament Chapel who generously contributed 1275.00 Euros to the 2008 Mission Sunday collection. Every cent of your gift will be sent to a Church in a mssionary territory.”

We thank all those who contributed to this amount for our mission territories throughout the world.

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