DSC 1389

Gospel: Luke 12: 32-48
Year C

Do not be afraid, little flock!
“Little Flock”… Flocks are rare in our urbanised world! And often , there is no longer a shepherd; electric fences have replaced them! for you, Jesus, the flock retains all its biblical flavour. It is a beautiful image to express the vigilance of God for his people …. You have taken to yourself the name and the role of shepherd. You are the Good Shepherd Who watch with love over Your flock, over each one of us.

Do not be afraid!
How often these words have been repeated down through the history of Your people, Lord! Mankind has several reasons for being afraid. We know our limitations, our fragility when faced with difficulty, with the challenges of life…We are aware of our sinfulness … of our collusion in evil. (Rom. 7:18-19).

But always and in all circumstances, God repeats His plea to His people: Do not be afraid, for the Lord your God is with you! (Deut. 10:1). Do not have this anxious look for I am your God (Is. 41:10).

Do not be afraid!… I have called you by your name, you are mine! (Is. 43:1). Fear not, do not be overwhelmed! … I am with you! (Jer. 30:10-11). You often repeat these calls, Jesus, to help us. In this way, like the Apostles on the turbulent lake, You call to us in our storms: Trust! I am here, do not be afraid! (Matt. 14:27). Open our ears to Your word, lord! open our hearts to total trust in Your love!

Little flock…
your Church has grown… she remains nonetheless a “little flock”, faced with a world which does not know You ….which wants nothing to do with You! Keep our eyes fixed on You, Lord. You the only “treasure of our hearts”, without fearing this world into which You send us …Let us continue in service so that we can proclaim You to the people of our times, and to this end, keep our lamps lighting, the lamps of faith and love.

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