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The Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament is blessed with one more priest, Rev. Fr. Nelson de Jesus Roque SSS, who was received into the order of presbyters in a gracious liturgical rite of ordination presided over by the ordaining prelate, His Excellency Bp. Jose F. Oliveros, D.D., bishop of Malolos, on the morning of February 4, 2008 in St. Peter the Apostle Parish Church in Balagtas, Bulacan.

Fr. Nelson was born on the 13th of March 1970, the 5th of the seven children of Mr. Luis Roque and Mrs. Conception de Jesus. He took his elementary education at Burol Elementary School and his secondary education at St. Laurence Academy, both in his native town of Balagtas. He earned his Degree in Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education major in Bio-Chemistry at Mecauyan College in Mecauyan, Bulacan. He was a classroom teacher for 10 years at Garden Angels Integrated School prior to his entrance to the congregation in May of 1998. He finished his theological studies at Loyola School of Theology. He had his profession of perpetual religious vows and diaconal ordination on September 8, 2007 at Sta. Cruz Church, Manila. After which, he was assigned deacon in the Blessed Sacrament Shrine and Parish, while at the same time community treasurer, in Tigbao, Tacloban City. All these among others, complete his years of formation to the ordained ministry.

Welcome! It’s a banquet more with your coming to serve in the vineyard of the Lord. We wish you blessed ministerial years ahead!

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