2nd August 2008

Dear Brothers,

Greetings on the Feast of Our Holy Founder, St. Peter Julian Eymard.

I take this opportunity to reflect with you again, to remind ourselves again of some  of the insights of our recent Amplified Provincial Council in Penmaenmawr.

Fr. Bong, in his reflections during the Parallel Eucharistic Congress in Bachelors  Walk, told us: “ We do not speak of the Eucharist as something, but as someone.  The Eucharist is Jesus himself. To acknowledge Jesus’ presence has consequences
in our lives and societies. In the Scriptures, all encounters with Jesus produced an  effect”

The main theme of the meeting offered by Fr. Jim Campbell and I was: “ Do people  recognise Jesus in the way we Break Bread in the Eucharist, in our prayer life and  in the daily witness of our lives – our physiognomy, as Jim liked to call it? Or to  put it another way, are we bringing the presence of Christ into people’s lives in the  way we Break Bread? Do our Eucharistic celebrations and lifestyle have an effect  on people’s lives.

To do this effectively in our celebrations and our ministry, we must respond to  people’s deepest needs, relate to their deepest experiences – otherwise they will not  be touched by us. They must be able to find the image of Christ in our liturgies and

So the challenge for us is to do better what we are already doing. We are not  looking for exciting new initiatives, but rather to sharpen, refocus, develop our  charism.

Can we prepare better, celebrate more effectively, enhance the quality of our  Eucharistic celebrations?

Can we build up community, so that people can see that the Eucharist is the centre  of our lives?

Can we show greater compassion and understanding to the people we minister to?  Can our prayer life be a more effective part of our mission – by being more  communal, for example?

One of the decisions of the APC was that each community would organise regular  communal adoration in accordance with their schedule.

Again, Fr. Bong tells us in his reflections: “ One clearly cannot consider adoration  as a simple private devotion. It is a prolongation of a community act, its purpose is  to gather the whole community, even when, for a variety of reasons, others are
unable to attend”.

And he goes on: “Since it is quite impossible for one person, except Jesus Christ,  to manifest the totality of his divinity, he distributes his gifts among us. In the  differentiation of his gifts, he thus made possible his total manifestation through his
multiplicity of peoples.”

Communal adoration, on particular occasions and circumstances, can give a more  powerful and complete witness of the presence of Christ than individual adoration.  Rule of Life # 32 tells us: We are attentive in promoting communal prayer; it
manifests the unity of the Church, fruit of the Eucharist.

Let us finish with the words of Fr. Eymard himself in one of his reflections on  adoration:  “ Fix your mind on Our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament and ponder on his  love. Let this thought take hold of you; let it enrapture you. ‘Is it really possible
that Our Lord loves me to the point of always giving himself to me without ever  growing  tired?’ Your mind then adheres to Our Lord; all your thoughts seek and  study him; you want to fathom the reasons of his love; you are struck with  amazement and are enraptured; and your heart cries out spontaneously: How can I  respond to so much love”

Wishing you a joyful and grace-filled feast.

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