Lite Team Glasgow Training Day

The Glasgow Life in the Eucharist Movement has been invited to lead Events for several Parishes over the next six months. For example: a) Life in the Eucharist I Programme at Blessed John Duns Scotus (Franciscans) 11-12 December 2010; b) 40 Hours Adoration at St Aloysius, Springburn: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday 23-25 January 2011; c) Life in the Eucharist II – Scriptural Aspects at Glasgow University Chaplaincy (40 Hours): three evenings 6 – 8 February 2011;d) Life in the Eucharist I Programme at St Brendan’s, Yoker: March 14th 2011 – five evenings; e) One-Day Retreat at St Joseph’s, Helensburgh: Saturday, 26th March 2011; f) One-Day Retreat at St Gregory’s, Wyndford: Saturday, 7th May 2011 (for those in Church ministry).

Training days taking place prior to all events.

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