
The Formation session held in Paris, was for me, and exciting and a very re-assuring experience. I got new insights into Fr. Eymard’s knowledge of the Word of God and of his fidelity to the Word of God. I was quite touched on hearing how he coped with spiritual darkness and adversity. I was very encouraged and enthused to discover, from material presented, of his concern for and of his practical approach to the laity.

His appreciation of the need to involve and “collaborate with the laity in his Eucharistic mission very encourages and inspires me. His concern for women, his approach to women, his realtionship with women and appreciation of women struck me, quite forcibly His work with and for the Servants gives me much renews confidence and hope. When I arrived on Wednesday night, January 21St, the participants had already completed day one of the Formation Session: in which they dealt with the technical aspect of making Fr. Eymard’s writings more accurately and comprehensively available. The following three days were important days for me in that I found the material, which was presented, very inspiring, challenging and re-assuring. The four presenters, Fr. Hans Van Schijndel, Fr. Manuel Barbiero, Sr. Catherine Marie Caron, and Fr. Andre Guitton, had their material excellently researched and prepared, and they delivered their respective presentations with ease, graciousness and with a tremendous level of competence and enthusiasm. They, most definitely, re-assured me, that Fr. Eymard’s charism, is very very relevant to and for our time. Fr. Eymard’s knowledge of and love for the Word of God, the “link for him, between the word, and the Eucharist, and his appreciation of the Eucharist in all its aspects, as the Great Gift: were all superbly presented. From all I heard, I am in awe of the content and volume of Fr. Eymard’s letters, retreat notes. work on constitutions, sermons and written communication with the servants.

As one,who is totally deaf in one ear, I am extremely grateful to the sister who translated from French to English, because of how she facilitated my receiving the material with such clarity and ease. Fr. Antonio Pedretti, too, is most deserving of my sincere gratitude for the way he ensured, that the entire session was so successfully organised.

Some 47 participated, which included representatives of the Blessed Sacrament Religious from the European Provinces, as well as representatives of the Servants and Secular Institute. The atmosphere of hospitality, of mutual respect and acceptance was very much in evidence. The host community members were attentive. caring, most helpful and gracious. The community exercises we all shared in, could serve as a model on how community life might be lived. All the participants participated in the Liturgy of the Hours, the celebration of the Eucharist, the hour set aside daily for adoration in Common, and of course, the meals.

I came home with a renewed determination to read Fr. Eymard’s writings, especially The Long Retreat, and with a firm resolution to ask Fr Eymard to help me, each day: to celebrate the Eucharist more worthily, to adore Jesus in the Eucharist daily more profoundly and to proclaim the Eucharist more prophetically at every given opportunity. I am really pleased, that I attended this Formation Session and I will always be indebted to those who made my attendance possible.

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