Gospel: John 10:11-18
3 May 2009

I am the Good Shepherd….
The Evangelist’s Greek word is “beautiful”. Three times in a row, You repeat this word, Lord. With insistence, You introduce Yourself as the beautiful Shepherd. It’s an invitation to contemplate You, to gaze on You, like stopping at a scenic spot, at a beautiful flower, a beautiful sight. Open our eyes, Lord! Let us know how to see you! You teach us by Your life as much as, or even more than, by Your words.

The Good Shepherd gives his life for his sheep.
Here is the beauty that You suggest we contemplate. This word “to give” is not only a reference to Your death on the cross. It is all Your existence which is given for Your sheep. You are the Gift of God to humanity: God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son….(Jn.3:16). Your entire life was a permanent Gift. And through the Eucharist, You want to continue this Gift:The Bread Which I will give is my Flesh for the life of the world (Jn. 6:51). Until the end of the world, You remain the Good Shepherd Who gives Himself: This is My Body given for you (Lk.22:19).

I give My life for My sheep
You came so that you may have life … in abundance (Jn.10:10). All for Your mission, You have no thought for Yourself. Sometimes You don’t even have time to eat (Mk. 6:31). You are seized with pity for the harassed crowd… without a shepherd (Mt.9:36). You came to seek and save the lost (Lk.19:10). May You be blessed, beautiful Shepherd!
Let us contemplate You often, and at length! May You be blessed for the green pastures where You lead us, the Eucharist. There, You restore our strength through your Word and through your Bread given in abundance.

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