
Jesus had just been baptised …

In receiving the baptism of John, You line Yourself up with sinners. You descend to our level….but it is to enable us to ascend to the Father after You. The new Moses, You lead humanity to guide it towards the true Promised Land. You accompany us in this journey towards God.

Immediately the Spirit drives Him into the desert….

The Spirit came visibly on You at Your Baptism; He drives You now to share the experience with everyone, in living the trial of the desert. Let us also allow ourselves to be pushed by the Spirit. He is light and strength in the difficulties and trials of our desert. (Rom. 8:14)

The desert

It is the reflection of our life on earth. Like the Hebrew people of old in the desert, we meet obstacles, we resent shortages, we fight God’s challenges… Thanks for remaining there, with us, Jesus, to sustain and guide us.
The desert is a call to regroup, to return to the essential, far from all this superfluity which weighs us down too easily, with which we can become enslaved! Let us follow You, Lord, and allow ourselves to freed from all that hinders our journey in Your footsteps.

The desert is the place where, far from everything, the heart is more free, more available to hear God, to welcome His love and respond to it:I will lead My people to the desert, and there I will speak to their hearts(Hosea 2:16).

During the time of grace of Lent, change our heart, Lord Jesus! Fill us with Your love for the Father and for all people, our brethren.

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