29 March 2009
Gospel: John 12: 20-33

We would like to see Jesus …

These are strangers, pagans, who have gone up to Jerusalem and speak like this.  They are seeking the light since they are there to adore God.  They had heard about You, Lord.  They want to see You….

Put this same desire in our hearts, Lord! Put it in all hearts!   To believe more in You every day!  To see You … and to follow You…. Because it is You Who are the Light Which illumines all mankind (Jn. 1:9).  It is You Who are the only Way Which leads us to the Father (Jn. 14:6).  It is You Who are the Gate which lets the sheep enter the sheepfold (Jn. 10:9).

Philip and Andrew went to tell Jesus…

They have already been intermediaries to lead others to You, Lord.  At the start of Your Ministry, Andrew had brought Simon, his brother, to You; Philip had caused his friend Nathaniel to come to see You (Jn. 40:46).  Let us hear the deep desires of the people of today and guide them to You.

The Hour had come for the Son of man to be glorified.

As usual, You do not answer the question directly.  You do better: You draw us further, towards the “mystery” of Your hour.  Your hour: it is Your death on the cross and your resurrection.  Your glory: it is Your Mystery as the Son of God which will be revealed: You are the grain of wheat which dies in the ground to become fruitful.  You accept being lifted up from the earth on the cross by men, to deliver them from sin and death and to sweep them along in Your resurrection, in Your elevation outside the tomb.

Yes, draw all people to yourself, Lord!  Let us share in your glory, Your life as Son of God.  Through the Eucharist, Your “Hour” repeats itself: You offer Your Body given up and Your Blood poured out for all people…

Draw us into Your love, this love which goes to the end (Jn. 13.1).

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