Gospel: Luke 7: 36-8,3
Year C
A Pharisee had invited Jesus to dine with him…
You willingly accepted invitations, Lord. For You it was an opportunity to bring people Your message of love. You went into all homes with the same simplicity, the same desire for their well-being. What prompts the Pharisee to invite You? You do not ask Yourself the question. You simply respond.
A woman from the town came in….
She is a sinner! Without saying anything, she slips in near You: she is in tears, at Your feet. Furthermore: she covered them with kisses and anointed them with ointment. And You don’t react; You leave her to it!…. What a scandal! The Pharisee concluded from this that You are not the prophet he thought You to be …. In his place, what would I have done?….
Simon, I have something to say to you.
Simon, was the Pharisee of that time…. it is I today. Speak Master…let me listen attentively to You!
A creditor had two debtors….
We are debtors in relations to God. Jesus, You came, sent by the Father, to pardon all our debts….
Who will love more?
The one Simon treated as a sinner had more love than he had. All of those I am tempted to despise are perhaps the same. So, Lord Jesus, open my eyes, above all, open my heart. May I not forget all the mercy You have shown me … and may I sing my recognition instead of judging others.
You invite us unceasingly to Your Eucharistic banquet. Let us respond to Your invitation with thanksgiving and humility. Let us share Your viewpoint of goodness and mercy towards all the others invited: those who are there …. and those not yet there.