Gospel: John 6: 24-35
Year B

The people set out in search of Jesus ….
It’s lovely to see the crowd seeking You out, Lord! It was the attitude of Your first disciples (Jn. 1:38), that of Mary Magdalene on Easter morning at the tomb (Jn. 20:15). This should be our approach by everyone. To seek God, is this not the deepest goal of our life? It is the call constantly reiterated in the Bible: Seek unceasingly the face of the Lord! (Ps. 104:4). Apply yourself whole-heartedly to the search for the Lord! (1Chr. 22:19). God, You are my God, from the dawn I search for You; my soul thirsts for You (Ps. 62:1). With all my heart I seek You (Ps. 118:10).

To seek You, Lord …. It is nothing other than a response to Your love, a love which goes before us. In the earthly Paradise, God sought again the man who had sinned: Adam, where are you? And You, You came among us, Jesus, to seek the lost sheep …. let us seek You as You seek us!

Having found Him on the other bank ….
It’s necessary to go to the other side to find You. The crowd has made the material crossing in crossing the lake; but they have not made the real crossing, that of Faith. You point this out to them and You indicate the real shore where You await them: You are seeking Me because You had bread to eat … Don’t stay there! The True Bread is not that which you ate yesterday … It is II am the Bread come down from heaven, Which gives life. Whoever comes to Me will never be hungry….

Like the crowds in Galilee, we are often tempted, lord, to go back to our earthly, purely human shore …Let us cross to the other side, Jesus, the shore of Faith! Come help us to abide there.

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