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The People’s Eucharistic League is an association of men and women of all ages, who share with his religious Congregation, the inspiration of St. Peter Julian Eymard.

In 1856, St. Peter Julian founded the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament the priests and brothers dedicated to continue his work. Two years later, he founded a Congregation for women, the Servants of the Blessed Sacrament.

In 1859, St. Peter Julian completed his ‘Eucharistic Family’, when he founded the Association of the Blessed Sacrament, now more commonly known as the The People’s Eucharistic League.

The League is a way of helping people make the Blessed Sacrament the centre of their lives. For St. Peter Julian, the People’s Eucharistic League was an integral part of his plan to have the laity associate themselves with the work and spirit of his religious family.

The Spirit

St. Peter Julian was especially attracted to the Eucharist. In this Sacrament he found the expression of God’s great love for the world.

In the Mass, in Holy Communion, and in the Presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, St. Peter Julian found the Centre of the Christian life. His mission in the Church was to make this known. Prayer is always an essential part of true apostolate. St. Peter Julian realised that prayer before the Blessed Sacrament was an important part of his mission.

He wanted the Blessed Sacrament exposed, to highlight the Real Presence of Jesus, and to attract people to come and pray. Through prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, a person grows in appreciating the Mass, and valuing Holy Communion.

Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, inspires us to ‘go forth’ with the Good News, to live the Gospel, and to live the Eucharist.


Membership of the People’s Eucharistic League is open to all…men, women and children. Members promise to spend one hour each month in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.

This time of prayer should, as much as possible, be before the Blessed Sacrament either reserved in the Tabernacle or when It is exposed.

There are no particular prayers the members are expected to say. We encourage that they express during their Holy Hour, acts of faith, adoration, thanksgiving, hope, love, reparation, and petition.

The monthly Holy Hour may be made by two half-hour periods on different days of the month. Some may prefer to set aside, fifteen minutes for prayer, four times during the month.

The promise made by members of the League, does not bind under sin.