Life in the Eucharist (LITE) is a weekend retreat for adults to help them deepen their understanding of the Eucharist and recognize the implications of their relationship with Christ for their daily living. Developed in recent years by Fr. Robert Rousseu, SSS, of the Blessed Sacrament Congregation, this programme of lay evangelisation is now one of the primary ways of carrying out its Eucharistic mission – to impart the Congregation’s understanding of the Eucharist to all who are thirsting for Eucharistic spirituality, prayer and community.
The Structure
The programme helps to focus on God’s love in the Eucharist as: Nourishment, Reconciliation, Transformation, Abiding Presence, Liberation. These themes do not purport to cover the entire mystery of the Eucharist, but are chosen because they draw on people’s own experience.
The programme is presented by a team of experienced and trained lay-people, under the guidance of a priest-director. The programme is divided into five sessions (one for each theme), over a weekend. Each session is presented by a mini-team of three people. Participants are assisted to identify their own experience of the Eucharist. The team then develop this experience through their story, personal witness and teaching.
The Seminar
- Gives the participants a more comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the Eucharist;
- Deepens their relationship with Christ in the Eucharist;
- Gives them an experience of Eucharistic community, a deep and permanent sense of bonding and belonging.
The culmination of the five sessions is the Celebration of the Eucharist, with maximum involvement of participants. This is followed by the Agape Meal, or Love Feast. Team members and programme participants provide this celebration for each other by bringing in their love offerings of food for the table.
This weekend will have a profound impact on your life and on your future celebration of the Eucharist.
Other participants have told us:
“This weekend made me think about how much Eucharist means to me…”
“It was wonderful to see people sharing their life-experiences in a spirit of Christian love and genuine concern for each other as a real Christian community…”
“Warm, loving relationships grow among the participants as they come to see and express the incredible power of the Eucharist in their lives…”
“The whole experience was thought-provoking…and the Sunday liturgy touched me deeply…”
For more information about the LITE Retreat Programme, please contact the following:
- The LITE Coordinator Blessed Sacrament Chapel 20 Bachelors Walk, Dublin 1, Ireland
- The LITE Secretary St. Anthony’s 62 Langlands RoadGlasgow G51 3BD