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The period 2010 February -2011 February is an important moment for the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament. During this time, the congregation celebrates the 200th birth anniversary of its founder Saint Peter Julian Eymard who was born on February 4, 1811 in La Mure, France. As part of his 200th birth anniversary, the congregation has lined up activities for this jubilee year.

In his letter to all the religious of the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament, the Superior-General, Fr. Fiorenzo Salvi says “the celebration of the 200th anniversary of St. Eymard’s birth constitutes for all of us:

  • an occasion to foster an authentic Christian Eucharistic spirituality;
  • an occasion to encourage and educate the laity and families to find continually in the Sacrament of Christ’s love the energy to transform their lives into an authentic sign of the presence of the Risen Lord;
  • an occasion to proclaim that the Eucharist communicates to us divine life (symbolised by the vine and its branches): a mystery to be believed, celebrated, lived, a participation in Christ’s Passover in order to transform the whole of our daily experiences into authentic ‘spiritual worship’ to the glory of the Father.”

Fr. General encourages all religious of the congregation “to involve in the course of this jubilee year as much as possible the local church: bishops, priests, deacons, male and female religious, lay persons. With this objective let us give importance during this jubilee year to the liturgical feasts pertaining to the Congregation (May 13th: our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament; Corpus Christi; August 2nd/February 5th: St Peter-Julian Eymard), and the celebration of the closing of this jubilee year on February 4-5, 2011, which constitutes the culmination of “an intense Eucharistic year” in the footsteps of St Peter-Julian Eymard, apostle of the Eucharist.”

Let us pray for the success of this celebration. May Saint Peter Julian Eymard pray for us.

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