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Gospel : Luke 13 : 1 – 9

The events reported in the Gospel remind us of television news! People massacred …. accident victims… we hear about this every day! And, like long ago, a scapegoat is sought in these tragedies …. Sometimes even, we don’t hesitate to accuse You, Lord : “ Why has God taken my child, my husband….? Why does God allow robbers, assassins to function? Why does He not prevent these bad things? …

We look for the culprits, instead of hearing Your calls. For You, it is not a question of blame, of sin to be punished. You are clear : The Galileans were not greater sinners than others … the 18 people killed by the tower were not greater sinners than others … But for You, everything is a sign from God. In this way, through the real victims of all the modern Pilates ….through the victims of the tower of Siloam …and all the accidents of to-day … You draw our attention to what is essential. Such tragic events are a reminder of our own fragility and a call to repentance : If you do not repent, you will perish as they did.

To repent is to turn about in order to look at God …. It is to renounce our way of thinking, to rejoin the thought of God. For Your thought, Lord, Your task, is the happiness of mankind, it is that we repent, turn towards You and live with You in trust, in joy, in love. The examples You give are not there to frighten. You insist so that we won’t waste any more time….

The proof that You are not a God Who punishes, is Your patience. You are the vineyard owner Who always hopes: the fig-tree planted in his vineyard will end up bearing fruit. Lord, let us answer Your calls with confidence, far from fear. Let us live with You in love. Help us to use well the time that You give us!

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