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Luke 1 : 39 – 45
Year C

Mary set out quickly …..
Why is Mary in such a hurry? She reminds us of the haste of God, the divine Spouse of the Song of Songs: Leaping over the mountains, bounding over the hills (Song. 2:8) to go to free His exiled people. It is the same desire that presses You, Lord, to come and free us from our sins. And it is You Who inspires Mary, Your Mother to hasten to the mountains of Judea, to carry to John the joyful news of Your coming on earth.

And me, what about me? What is my enthusiasm to follow You? and firstly to hear Your voice? Be quick to listen! recommends St. James (Jas.1:19) …. quick to listen through the words of Scripture … And through the calls which I receive from people, my brothers. Grant us the fervour and the haste of Mary, Your Mother!

She greeted Elizabeth …
Undoubtedly she said “Shalom”, “Peace to you!” But through this ordinary salutation of Mary, it is already Your peace with is offered to people, Jesus, that which You will obtain for us through Your death and Resurrection, that which, risen, You will bring to Your disciples: Peace be with you!… that which You never cease to offer to us through the Sacraments: Your peace, the joy of being loved by God, the joy of being His child.

John the Baptist mysteriously understood Your message of salvation and peace: he leaped for joy.

What are my greetings worth? Am I a bringer of joy for those I meet? Is it Your joy, Your peace that I convey to them? Am I in a hurry to carry Your love to my brothers, like You, like Mary?

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