Angels In The Tomb

Gospel: Luke 24:1-12
(Vigil Mass)

The found the stone rolled away…
The tomb is empty: they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. What a let-down for them! They didn’t know what to think notes the Evangelist. A stone obstructs their heart and plunges it into darkness and sadness. It is still there; it has not yet been rolled away!

Who has not known these moments, these days, when life loses all its meaning, when all is dark, because the light which used to enlighten us has disappeared! Jesus, You were everything to these women: You had cleansed them of evil spirits and of sicknesses (Luke 8:2), and they knew You for a long time. What will become of them? The “rolled stone” opens the tomb but does not open their heart to hope! Is there a stone at the door of my heart, which closes me off from the light?

To men appeared to them, in brilliant clothing….
You do not abandon Your friends, Lord. You send two messengers to tell them about the great news. Already through their brilliant clothing they are signs of joy, of life; thus they announce before having said a word, that You are risen! In the same way, You question me; I can hear You ask: And you, are you light for others? By your life, by your attitude, are you a sign that I am risen?

Remember what He told you…
The women are invited to “remember”, to recall the words that You said several times. These words which announced Your death and resurrection….they had heard them…. but they had not penetrated to the depth of their heart …. they hadn’t therefore enlightened the tragic events which had taken place. Everything changes when the women “remember”. They haven’t seen You, but they know nevertheless that You are there, alive, and set off to tell Your disciples. May Your Word, Lord Jesus, enlighten all my life to its depth and make me a messenger of Your light and Your love.

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