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Gospel : Luke 3 : 10 – 18
Year C

Crowds came to be baptised ….
“Crowds”: The word could seem like an exaggeration. Without doubt crowds are seen heading to where something extraordinary is happening … However when it’s about a call to conversion, to penitence …. it’s another story! There is not such enthusiasm!

But the word draws us forward from the time of John the Baptist. It is to the crowds of the whole world and of all eras, it is to us, to-day, that this call is addressed. We are all called to come and “be baptised”, to come and “immerse” ourselves in the divine water which You bring us, Lord.

What must we do?
That’s the important question! What do You expect of me, Lord? What do You want me to do? And it’s not simply once in my life, or even from time to time, but frequently during my days that I should turn to You and ask what do You expect of me, what You are asking of me ….

Your answer, I can find in Your example, throughout Your earthly life. How often You said : My aim is to do not My own will, but the will of Him Who sent Me … I always do what pleases Him (Jn.5:30, 8:29) … Thank You for this example, Lord. Let us know how to turn ourselves towards the Father with the same simplicity, the same love, the same trust!

John answered them :
He gives everyone a concrete message, which responds to what he is and what he sees. The love of God is offered to all, but everyone welcomes and responds to it according to his own heart, his own state in life. The same divine life remains in all, but it produces different flowers and fruits in everyone. May I be, Lord, for You and for others, the flower which You desire, there where You want me to be!

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