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Gospel : Luke 3 : 1 – 6
Year C

In the fifteenth year of the reign of the Emperor Tiberius …
Your coming among us, Lord Jesus, is important to all people. St. Luke makes this understood by naming all the celebrities of the world at that time, civil and religious, Jews and Pagans. He calls them all together to come and listen to the message transmitted through John the Baptist, a call to welcome Him Who comes to save them. This message is addressed also to us to-day, to all people …. I must hear it, and re-hear it to let it enlighten my life, and also to make it known to others.

John went through the whole Jordan district ….
John was “the voice” which proclaimed the Word of God. It is the mission of Christians down through the centuries. It is my mission. John announced You, Lord, as much by his life as by his words. Itshould be the same for us. What we say has no value unless we live it, unless we put it into practice ourselves. Let us be logical, let us be messengers through our entire life.

He proclaimed a Baptism of conversion for the forgiveness of sins.
“Baptism of conversion”: Baptism is an “immersion” in Conversion. In Hebrew, conversion means returning to the beginning and taking a different direction. In Greek, it means changing views, opinions. It is therefore to a radical change that You are calling us, Lord. We must renounce our “sins”, our self-centred lives in order to be open to You and to welcome Your love.

To be converted …
It would be great to do this quickly, once and for all …. but as it is, we must re-commence constantly! Grant us Lord, day after day, courage, and above all, love, to continue a permanent conversion …. with concern for drawing others towards You, helping them to discover that You love them, and helping them to respond to Your love, because All people will see the salvation of God!

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