Leafy Palm Branches

Gospel : Luke 19 : 28 – 40
Year C

Jesus went on ahead of His disciples, going up to Jerusalem….
You “go up” to Jerusalem. It is Your last pilgrimage, one which will end badly, humanly speaking. But nothing will prevent You from going to the end. You go ahead of Your disciples; You walk “in front”, You show the way to follow. All Your life, You walked focused on the Father.

Let us share, Lord, Your filial love…. Let us follow You on the way of fidelity, of loving obedience, whatever obstacles we meet on our path.

You will find a little donkey …. bring it here!
You are a King, Lord Jesus …. You will demonstrate this on entering Jerusalem to the applause of the people. But You are not king in the way of this world. You do not arrive triumphantly at the head of armies. You have nothing … You must borrow a little donkey for this entry into Jerusalem.

You are the all-powerful God, but You do not want to do anything without us. You ask for our agreement, our little contribution ….To promote Your Kingdom on earth, to make Your entry into the world of to-day, You want, like back then, that we go and untether a little donkey and bring it here. If You need me, Lord …. grant that I may be available!

Blessings on our King Who comes!
The crowd of little humble people welcome and acclaim You, whereas the Great people (those who think they are great!) want to silence them. They don’t want You, Your poor royalty, so deceptive for human pride. Your response is clear: nothing can prevent Your Kingdom from coming: If these keep silent, the stones will cry out”. It is a recollection of the prophet Ezekiel, a call to change our heart: I will take away your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh (Ez.36:26)
Give us, Lord, this heart of flesh.

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