17 Han 01013

Gospel : Luke 9 : 28 – 36
Year C

He went up the mountain to pray …..
The mountain is a place of meeting with God, in the Bible. Moses climbed Sinai in order to receive the tablets of the Law, of the Covenant…. The Prophet Elijah when persecuted fled to Horeb, the mountain, to rediscover there, close to God, the strength and courage to continue his mission. Yes, there they are, these two great personalities of the first Covenant. They surround You, Lord Jesus; they were speaking to You; they were speaking of Your passing which would take place at Jerusalem. They come to encourage You to see through to the end what they had announced about You.

Your “passing” to the Father is near. You will ascend to Him, as You have just climbed this mountain ….. like You will go up to Jerusalem…. You will ascend to the Father bringing with You the entire humanity. The ascent will be rough, more than that of Tabor; You will have to pass through death to arrive in the light of the resurrection…. The companions that You bring with You to-day will leave You on Your own then; they will again be overcome by sleep.
For us also, the ascent is often more difficult, Lord. Increase our faith, our love. You invite us to follow You up the mountain of the Eucharistic celebration. There, You want to reveal Yourself to us like You did for the disciples on Tabor.

His face was changed….
You allow Peter and his companions a little insight into Your divinity. You will strengthen their faith, prepare them to share Your trials …. Peter in the joy of seeing Your “glory”, would want to remain up there ….This is sometimes our temptation also! Let us hear the voice which says to us : This is My Son … listen to Him! Let us follow You faithfully, not only when everything is bright, but also in the night and the fog….. In our trials, the Father shows us the sure Guide: Listen to Him!
Lord Jesus, so that I may listen to You, give me Your Spirit!

Photo credit: H. Isahar

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