Gospel : Luke 13 : 22 – 30
Year C

Making His way to Jerusalem
St. Luke describes Your life for us as a long journey towards Jerusalem. It is from there that You will return to the Father, bringing with You all the people of God. I also am on my way to the new Jerusalem the new heaven, the new earth, where death will be no more (Apoc. 21), towards the Father’s house where You prepare a place for us (Jn.14:3). But do I focus on this? Is this the true goal of my life? Or do I not remain too much occupied with only my earthly worries?

Through towns and villages Jesus went teaching.
You, Lord, You are completely engrossed in the mission which the Father has entrusted to You. You return to Him, accomplishing the task He has assigned to You. You proclaim the Good News of His love to all You meet, in towns and villages. You tell all about the love of the Father, You invite them to welcome it, to respond to it…. And me? What about me? Is my life a call to others, an example which draws them towards You, the only Way which leads to the goal of life?

Will there be only a few saved?
You do not reply to this question…. And You lead the listeners back to the essential question :
Try your best to enter by the narrow door!
Do not waste your time in useless discussions, pursue your journey! The goal is put before everyone. Let everyone make the effort to follow You! Because it is not a convenient motorway that You lead us along, it is the rough pathway of love …. through the narrow door of the gift of self…
Help me, Lord, to rid myself of all that encumbers me! Rid me of me!

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