Photo Woman Caught In Adultery

Gospel : John 8 : 8 – 14
Year C

The scribes and Pharisees brought to Jesus a young woman
They wanted to be faithful defenders of the law of Moses. But their behaviour does not conform to what the law prescribes: They will be put to death, the man and the woman (Lev. 20:10). Why did they only bring the woman?

On the other hand, it is not concern for the glory of God that motivates them: they wanted to put You to the test in order to be able to accuse You, Lord …. The same temptation sometimes awaits us. Restrain us from using the Word of God to serve our pride …. or to accuse others.

Jesus bent down, and with His finger, He started writing on the ground.
What a lesson for us! You don’t want to hear ill spoken of others. If You hate sin, You love the sinner. You attitude is clear : the sin does not interest You! You do not look at the accused woman … You do not look either at those who maliciously accuse her. You want the good of all of them : the accused and the accusers. These people do not understand …. they do not want to understand! So You make them confront their conscience :
Let whoever is without sin cast the first stone!

Remind us of these words, Jesus, whenever we are tempted to judge, to criticise. Let us share Your mercy. Give us Your vision to see others like You do. Come change our hearts in order to love like You!

You told us :Whoever eats Me will live by Me (Jn.6:57) ; Through Communion, come and put Your thoughts in us, Lord. Come to help us to detest sin, all sin …. and to love the sinner, all sinners.

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