Seventeenth Sunday – 25 July 2010
Gospel : Luke 11 : 1 – 13Year C One day, Jesus was praying….The Apostles were struck by Your prayers, Lord Jesus …. Silent prayer, prolonged, in the solitude of the night, or the mountain…. They have anticipated the mystery of Your prayer, a prayer which did not involve repetition of formulae learned by heart……
Sixteenth Sunday – 18 July 2010
Gospel : Luke 10 : 38 – 42Year C Martha welcomed Him into her house.In Your apostolic life, You have encountered all types of situations, Lord. Sometimes You have known deprivation: The Son of man has no place to lay His head (Lk.9:58). But You have also known the welcome of friends…. In the home…
SSS American Scholastics visit Dublin
The Dublin Blessed Sacrament community was happy to welcome our American Scholastics Br. Anthony Marshall, SSS and Br. John Christman, SSS last July 13, 2010. They visited Dublin after attending the ordination of their classmate Fr. Cuthbert Brennan, OSB in Glenstal Abbey, County Limerick. After their visit to Ireland, Bros. Anthony and John are going…
Fifteenth Sunday – 11 July 2010
Gospel : Luke 10 : 25 – 37Year C What must I do to have eternal life?The question is excellent ….. but the intention is not of the same quality! Because it is to disconcert You Lord, that the question is asked… But is it only something of ancient history?…. Am I not tempted sometimes to do…
Fourteenth Sunday – 4 July 2010
Gospel : Luke 10 : 1 – 20Year C From among the disciples, Jesus appointed 72 ….You had chosen the twelve Apostles to share Your mission, Lord. They were the symbol of the rooting of Your Church in the People of God. We are grafted to the twelve tribes of Israel, recalls St. Paul. (Rom.11).…
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