Four Purple Advent Candles Two Lit

Gospel : Matthew 24 : 37 – 44
Year A

Jesus spoke to His disciples about His coming ….

You come unceasingly into our lives, Lord. It is You Who keeps us in existence: God holds in His hand the life-breath of humanity, said Job (12:10). God gives to all the life and the breath and everything else, recalled Paul (Acts 17:25). In You is the source of life, sings the Psalmist (Ps.35:10). Too often we forget the origin of this wonderful gift. Like in the time of Noah people want to be masters of their own lives, without reference to Him Who gave them this gift.

You came, Lord, to offer a new dimension to our existence. We are not just fleeting earthlings. You came to share our life to let us share Yours. You gave us power to become children of God (Jn.1:12) You want us to live to the full: I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance! (Jn. 10:10).

What sort of welcome did You get? He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him (Jn.1:11). It’s the same to-day: People prefer to veer towards material possessions than towards divine life. But unceasingly, You pursue Your project of love. You want to gather us with You, close to the Father.

Stay awake! … Be ready!
Let us hear Your call, Lord! Let us stay awake day after day, to welcome You …when You come through events, through our neighbour. Then when You come at the end of time, at the end of the time of each one of us, we will be ready to answer Your call in trust and thanksgiving.

May You be blessed also for coming to us through the Eucharistic celebration. There, You enlighten us and guide our journey through Your Word. You strengthen us through Your Bread of Life Which makes us live as children of God. May this meeting in faith prepare us to welcome You in joy on the last day!

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