Easter Joy Email Salutation

Gospel : John 21 : 1 – 19
Year C

Jesus showed Himself again to His disciples on the shore of the Lake of Tiberias…
The Lake of Tiberias …. it had all begun there. It is there that You had recruited Your first companions (Mt.4:18-22). You make it also the ultimate departure point, being sent out to the whole world. Your disciples are seven in number, the number of totality,. Put another way, You do not speak only to those who are named, but to all those You will call down through the ages…. down to me to-day.

At the break of day, Jesus was there on the shore ….
You are always there, Lord, on the shore of our life. But, like the Apostles, too often we do not know how to recognise You. Focused on our own concerns, we do not notice anything else… You, on the other hand, are always attentive to us, to everyone. You come to the help of fishermen who have worked in vain, all night long:

Throw the net out to the right and you’ll find something!
The have the simplicity to accede to the suggestion of a stranger…. then they make an extraordinary miraculous catch! For the disciple whom Jesus loved, the sign is clear. He recalls another similar catch, after which he had left all to follow You (Lk.5:11).

It is the Lord!
He proclaims his faith, his joy …. and he draws his companions to You. This is what he had to do, however, he and also his companions. This is what You want from us to-day: to lead to You the net filled with fish, the people of the whole world.

Come and eat!
You have prepared fish and bread for them: something to replenish their strength. This meal, You continue to offer to us: Take all of You and eat!

May thanksgiving and trust increase constantly in our hearts!

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