Assumption Of Mary

Gospel : Luke 1 : 39 – 56
Year C

My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord!
Mary, you know how to see, how to contemplate at length, the work of God, all He has done in you and in the world …. You invite Elizabeth to share your admiration and your praise. Come, let us also follow you. Give us your vision of faith in order to discover the wonders which the Lord continues to do for His Church, for all humanity …. for each one of us …. Fill our hearts with sentiments of thanksgiving and praise.

He has looked upon His humble servant ….
Nothing obscured God’s sight of you, Mary. The Angel Gabriel had called you full of grace …. But this did not cause one trace of pride in you: You know that this wonder is not your work; It is the work of the Lord Who looked on you from the first moment, and afterwards, all the days of your life. You have always remained in your place as a humble servant.

Our heart is far from being pure and simple like yours, Virgin Mary. But the Lord looks also on us, poor sinners. He looked on us sending us, through you, His Son. He came to free us from evil and to restore our life. Draw us into your thanksgiving … and your availability, Mary.

He remembers His love and the promise made to our fathers.
You share fully in the love of God for humanity. You make yourself available to Him to fulfil the promise made to our fathers, you accept being the woman whose offspring will crush the head of the serpent as the Creator had announced to our first parents (Gen.3:15). Your “Yes” Mary, permits the Son of God to take on our human nature to re-establish it in the covenant with God, to give it divine life. Help us, Mary, to say ‘yes’ to God, like you did, to accomplish ever more fully the promises made to Abraham and his seed: “In you all the nations of the world will be blessed!” (Gen.12:3).

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