Father Welcomes Prodigal Son Clipart

Gospel : Luke 15 : 1-32
Year C

The sinners were all coming to Jesus….
Here I am, also, Lord Jesus, with the crowd of sinners of Your time. I need to be enlightened, healed, pardoned, saved…. You reiterate for us the infinite love of our Father in heaven with this marvellous parable invented by Your heart. Help us to discover the depth of Your teaching. Instead of remaining with the prodigal son, the sinner…. lead us to the Father …. He is the real prodigal, unceasing extravagant love…. towards His two children, towards all His children.

The younger son went away, having claimed his share of the inheritance. What arrogance in this attitude! He demands as a right, what is a gift from his father. An image of human pride: to live in his own way, to be his own master …. He left his father … and he found hardship, degradation, slavery!

But the father himself has not changed. From afar, seeing him coming, he ran … and covered him with kisses. He doesn’t ask forany explanation. My son was dead, he has come back to life! Let there be a feast! The ungrateful, become a beggar, finds again his place as a beloved child: Quick, bring the most beautiful garment (literally: the “first”, the one of long ago: that he may become my child again!).

The elder son did not create scandal like his young brother. In the eyes of people, and in his own eyes too, he is a model: I have never disobeyed your orders! Yes, perhaps, but it is the obedience of a slave, not of a child. He is centred on himself, like his brother but in a different way. He has not understood his real happiness: you are always with me …. all I have is yours!….

Lord Jesus, let us understand, let us welcome always more, in joy and trust, this love of the Father for each one of us. And make us merciful as our Father in heaven is merciful. Let us see in others children of God, therefore brothers, sisters.

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