Postulants2009 10

“…Tomorrow will be too late.” A maxim as old as Eymard, yet ever new and truthful to anyone, whose search for meaning of life has gone a long way, before coming to know that in emptying oneself, life starts telling untold and unexpected prayers of becoming. Often silent search for truth ends to sweet surrender of life to the Author of Truth.

The same when ten restless hearts of men dared unlocking the chance, to see the face of truth by responding to the call of Religious Life, particularly through the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament. Impressed by the spirit of the SSS to feed the hungers of humanity, all of them, despite diverse in personalities and differences in stories, resolved to submit heart and soul for the sake of God’s call to Religious Life. There is much to tell about their uncertainties, but faith as they say, can make things easy to accept, plans ready to do and spirit willing to be. Hopeful to manifest one day a history of insightful encounter with the Truth of Life conveyed in the beautiful expression of the Blessed Sacrament, 10 men of eager spirit and willing heart came all the way from the North most and the South most region of the Philippine island for a Postulancy Formation to the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament in Davao City. Seven (7) of them from Luzon, two (2) others from Vizayas and one (1) from Mindanao. A foretaste to Religious Life is a “come and see” invitation to the Postulancy Formation of the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament, through the Postulant Director, Rev. Fr. Roel Dela Cruz, SSS.

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love they find faith in hoping to be Sacramentinos for life: Alfonso D. Dadole III, 40 years old, AB Philosophy, Archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro; Nilo B. Miranda, 39 years old, BS Fisheries with Special Units in Education, Archdiocese of Palo; Oligario DT. Manansala, 37 years old, Associate in Radiologic Technology, Archdiocese of Lipa; Rolly T. Toquero, 34 years old, AB Philosophy, Archdiocese of Nueva Segovia; Alvin P. Manaois, 33 years old, BS Fine Arts, Diocese of Alaminos, Pangasinan; Florian Bryan C. Giray, 32 years old, BS Elem. Education, Diocese of Catarman; Roy N. Quesea, 29 years old, AB Philosophy, Diocese of Lucena; Anthony C. Gonzales, 29 years old, BS Secondary Education, Diocese of Pasig; Marc Bryan R. Adona, 29 years old, BSBA- Banking and Finance, AB Philosophy, Archdiocese of Nueva Segovia; Ricky L. Andal, 27 years old, BS Secondary Education, Archdiocese of Lipa.

Long before finding their way to SSS, the world that has taken hold of their hearts, and the age that has measured finite wisdom through their restless search for meaning, were witnesses to God’s primary act of inspiration; now, they are sharing a variety of life-story that started differently from one another, conflicting quite the same to anybody, but now resolved unanimously to tread the road too few dare to take. By the same light of inspiration radiated in the life of St. Peter Julian Eymard, they too would long an experience of life in the Real Presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament.

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